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What Are The Two Most Important Words In Marketing?

Always include these two words with every customer contact you have! It works wonders for both you and your clients.

Simple Tips To Improve Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is one of the famous marketing techniques of creating and sharing informative and keyword rich content to drive more traffic to your site. This technique plays a crucial role in online success because it not only increases the number of customers, but also improves your site ranking.

2 Things You Need To Know About Successful Marketing On The Internet

Marketing your products online is completely different to offline marketing. Find out the reasons why most Internet marketing plans fail, and how to build a plan with a high chance of success.

How & Why You Should Be Writing Data-Driven Stories

Facts tell and stories sell. Stories have been part of successful marketing. Still there is an effective way and proper time to tell your compelling stories to achieve best results. Find out some facts about data driven stories and their importance.

Creating & Using Free Courses To Promote Your Membership Website

In this article we’re going to look at how you can create and use free courses to promote your membership website. Or indeed any product or service you might be promoting for that matter.

Golden Digital Marketing Tips

Online marketing is not a matter of choice any more, if you are not implementing digital marketing in your business you are vanishing. This article describes main golden strategies/tips to start implementing in your business in order to take it to another level. Social media and content (the King), put this two together properly and you have a winning formula for your business.

Monetizing Right With Native Ads

Native advertising promised to be the savior of online and mobile content monetization, and the natural evolution of digital advertising. But only if you did it right. So is it worth the risk for YOU? Only if you know what you’re doing. And we’re here to help you along..

How to Make Money Online Fast In Today’s Economy – Use a Profitable Business Model

To be successful making money online, you must follow a profitable business model. As you may know, there are a number of models for you to choose from. I will not attempt to list all the many choices. Instead, I will pick one model as an example, and show you how you can make money with the selected business model.

4 Tips to Get Started in Travel Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the fastest growing marketing tools, with companies in almost every industry using it to drive traffic to their websites and ultimately turn prospective buyers into actual customers. The travel industry is no different and can also benefit from the support of a great content marketing campaign.

Content Marketers: 3 Reasons to Start Using Infographics in Content Marketing Now

As a content marketer you likely already know that infographics are quickly becoming one of the most utilized forms of content marketing, and for good reason, as 90 percent of information that enters the brain is in visual format. As a participant in the Social Media Marketing MOOC Specialization at Northwestern University and a veteran content marketer with an interest in new trends, I have found two articles that point to the importance of infographics when it comes to getting the attention of readers.

Less Visitors Will Result in More Sales

A brief look at visitor targeting and also the importance of high page rank exposure. How to create relevant and interesting content which result in returning visitors and even actual online sales.

How to Make Money Online Fast In Today’s Economy

The need to learn how to make money online fast is all too common for many people today. There are several reasons why this issue resonates with so many. These reasons include, job loss, paychecks too small to cover living expenses, the desire to spend more time with your family, the desire to be your own boss. And maybe the most powerful reason of all is the desire to create the lifestyle of your dreams, based on financial independence.

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